Function ortho

  • Computes a 4-by-4 orthogonal transformation matrix that transforms from the given the left, right, bottom, and top dimensions to -1 +1 in x, and y and 0 to +1 in z.

    Type Parameters


    • left: number

      Left side of the near clipping plane viewport.

    • right: number

      Right side of the near clipping plane viewport.

    • bottom: number

      Bottom of the near clipping plane viewport.

    • top: number

      Top of the near clipping plane viewport.

    • near: number

      The depth (negative z coordinate) of the near clipping plane.

    • far: number

      The depth (negative z coordinate) of the far clipping plane.

    • Optional dst: T

      Output matrix. If not passed a new one is created.

    Returns T

    The orthographic projection matrix.